
Find out more about whether my services are suitable for you and what to know before you arrive for your appointment.

Traditional Thai Massage

Traditional Thai massage is really a deep, full-body treatment, starting at the feet and progressing up to the head. Using a sequence of gentle, flowing exercise movements, the recipient’s body is moved, loosened and stretched. This unique type of massage restores the flow of energy throughout the body with applied acupressure on the sen energy lines of the body, aimed at harmonizing and energizing. The benefits of Thai massage include the following:

Oil Massage*

Oil massage is excellent for overall health and well-being. It is nourishing, relieves fatigue, provides stamina, followed by perfect sleep, enhances the complexion and the lustre of the skin, and nourishes all parts of the body. In addition to the pleasure of receiving your massage, here are the additional benefits that you can expect from my oil massage:

*Please note that Oil Massage customers are required to wear undergarments along with the towel provided.

Thai Foot Massage

According to Thai beliefs, the sensory nerves of the internal organs that spread throughout the body are mainly gathered around the soles of the feet. Therefore, the massage is effective in stimulating the functions of the internal organs. Another advantage of this therapy is that
there is no risk. I will deal with the critical points on your feet with the utmost care. Benefits of Thai foot massage include the following: